Your Guests Want Real.

“Food with less processing and short, precise and transparent lists of ingredients reflect a trend toward real.” - 2024 Trends Report, AF& Co.

Wheat, water, and salt.

Your guests are educated, opinionated, demanding, and LOUD.

And you can have them on your side. Give them something to rave about that they don’t expect: your bread.

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Organic, non-GMO flour. Milled weekly, locally.

And grown by independent farmers with 100% traceability from seed to milled flour. It might sound like a lot of buzz words to you, but your guests, especially your younger guests, will appreciate the trouble you took to bring them premium products.

100% of the flour used for our premium breads is milled by Barton Springs Mills, in Dripping Springs. It costs more, but Jinx’s production capability makes it affordable for you. More cost-effective quality wheat is also used to help stay in budget.

Yield to the Bread.

We shape Jinx restaurant loaves specifically to provide you with the most usable slices per bread. No boules with long pieces in the middle and too many small slices from the ends.

The loaves are darker on the outside and inside, even on our “white” bread. Because the flour is stone ground, both the crumb and the crust will be darker than most bread. Stone ground wheat adds nutrition and flavor, but your staff may need to learn about it.

There are no additives to reduce the chance of mold spores. Rather, Jinx bread is placed in a temperature and humidity-controlled walk-in after baking to optimize freshness.

And hydration is modified during excessively dry or humid periods to further improve how long your bread will last.

Sliced Bread.

Save the labor and band-aids. Get a better yield. Provide your guests with a consistent experience. Sliced bread costs more because it must be cured overnight in the walk-in prior to slicing, as well as the labor we incur. Your staff will love you for choosing it.

Austin’s restaurant scene is so competitive. Stand out with fresh, local, premium products.